Arctic char support commercial and domestic fisheries that connect people through harvesting, processing and sharing, and impact food security and family economies in northern Labrador. Char in Labrador is managed under three stock complexes; Voisey’s, Nain and Okak. Most char are anadromous, meaning they travel between freshwater and marine environments, but only spawn in freshwater, while some char occur only in freshwater.

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Our work with Arctic Char
Arctic Char continues to support commercial and domestic fisheries that connect people through harvesting, processing, and sharing. Active commercial and domestic fisheries, combined with changes in the environment, require a dedicated approach to assessing and monitoring the sustainability of Arctic Char in Nunatsiavut. Building on the TJFB counting facility initial set-up in 2021, the TJFB continues to focus on research using ARIS sonar imaging technology to gather data which will be used to inform an understanding of the health of the Nain Bay stock complex. Academia has been engaged to enhance the focus on research and data collection and analysis. The multi-year work is being conducted in partnership, the Nunatsiavut Government, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Inuit knowledge holders. The Torngat Wildlife, Plants and Fisheries Secretariat manages the project and is developing its own capacity for data analysis.